Galleywall Nature Reserve continues to attract new volunteers and there have been regular school and community activities throughout the early part of the summer. From September 2012 onwards we are going to be open on the first Sunday of each month from 1-3. These sessions are drop in and we welcome anyone with an interest in keeping this little corner of urban Bermondsey green.
Please do come if you can. If you have an interest in being involved as part of the maintenance team, as a volunteer warden or as a thinker and planner of green spaces please be in touch with either Jane Stokes, and or Alan Chadborn at
If you have a school or community group who would like to be involved, again, be in touch with one of us.
We are proud of what we have achieved, in keeping this tiny part of inner city London free from development and would love to share it with you!
August 04, 2012
April 22, 2012
1st Schools in Spring event on Apr 17th, 2012
Tuesday 17th April was Galleywall nature reserves first Schools in Spring event.
Over 100 children from local schools came and enjoyed some time out of the classroom with sessions of pond dipping and seed planting to complement their current curricular topic; "Life processes." Despite the threat of rain and even hail throughout the day; everyone managed to stay dry and were thrilled to discover some of the wealth of wildlife residing in Galleywall; from fresh water hog lice, pond snails and ramshorn snails in the pond to plenty of compost creating minibeasts hiding in their flower pots! A successful day all around - watch this space for more Galleywall schools events to come!
April 06, 2012
Spring in Galleywall
Everything is coming up and budding in the reserve. We have secured money to design and create a new gate, thanks to Cleaner Greener Safer in Bermondsey. We are have a programme of wildlife gardening days and training courses lined up funded by the Big Lottery.
Weds 18th April - community gardening, permaculture, strawberries and currant planting
Thurs 26th April - Wildlife gardening training day
Weds 2nd May- community gardening, permaculture
Thursday 10th May - Biodiversity training day
Monday 14th May - community gardening day, permaculture
Thursday 17th May - Wildlife gardening, training day
All these days are free and accessible to all. Just turn up. The days run from 10.30 to 3.30