October 04, 2011
July 09, 2011
next open day
The reserve will next be open to the public on Saturday September 3rd from 11-1 for general maintenance. All welcome but children must be supervised
June 03, 2011
May 30, 2011
Launch of revamped reserve
We will be holding a launch event for the newly revamped reserve on
Friday July 8th 12-2. Come and see the transformations that have taken place over the last 6 months and find out how you can become involved in the maintenance of this lovely oasis in South Bermondsey
May 08, 2011
Recent developments May 2011
There has been a terrific transformation in the nature reserve over the last 4 months. Volunteers from Trust for Urban Ecology have been hard at work, creating a bog garden where the pond was, creating a new pond where there will be more sunlight, turfing a complete meadow and planting lots of trees, shrubs and native wildflower plants. We are delighted with the changes and particularly grateful to Deutsche Bank who have not only provided groups of corporate volunteers but have also been generous in donating money to the reserve for further improvements. We are waiting for news of possible monies from Awards for All which if our bid is successful will allow us to run community volunteering events, training courses on wildlife gardening, meadow managements and fungus identification during the summer and autumn. More on this in future posts.